Registration for Warwick Neck Elementary School -- and all Warwick Public Elementary Schools -- begins January 17, 2023 for children born on or before September 1, 2018.
Steps to Register:
1. Register online using a computer (See flyer below for instructions). Please note smart phones are not helpful when it comes to the registration platform.
2. Schedule a tele-appointment at the end of the online registration.
3. Central Registration will call at the selected time and go over the registration information
Document List:
❏ Child’s Birth Certificate*
❏ Immunization Records*
❏ Proof of Residency*
❏ Parent/Guardian Picture ID
❏ If divorced, proof of custody
❏ If guardian, copy of court guardianship
❏ Copy your child’s most recent report card
❏ If applicable, a copy of your child’s IEP or 504 plan
Please note that the registration is not complete until ALL required documents are received.
Have questions?
Email the district registration offices here - or call them at (401) 734-3040 or (401) 734-3041.
Please pass along this information to neighbors and friends with school age children.
Download the complete registration flyer here.