Due to COVID still being prevalent, our Open House will be structured in the following manner to help keep everyone healthy and safe:
-- Our evening begins at 6 PM. For safety, children who accompany their families must remain with their parents/guardians throughout the duration of the evening. The playground and fields will be closed due to the nature of the event.
-- Families should enter through the front doors and proceed to the classroom of their eldest child. The evening's schedule is below. Staff will be on hand to help guide families.
6 - 6:15 PM: Families visit the classroom of their eldest child.
6:15 PM - BELL: The bell rings to signal a move to the classroom of your second oldest child (or outside to the information tables and ice cream truck if there is only 1 child in your family).
6:15 - 6:30 PM: Families visit the classroom of their second oldest child.
6:30 PM - BELL: The bell rings to signal a move to the classroom of your third oldest child (or outside to the information tables and ice cream truck if there are only 2 children in your family).
6:30 - 6:45 PM: Families visit the classroom of their third oldest child (if applicable).
6:45PM - BELL: The bell rings to signal a move to the information tables and ice cream truck outside for those still in the building.
[6:15 PM - 7 PM: The evening concludes, following a tour to the last classroom in your family, with an opportunity for families to visit information tables outside (in the front of our school) and meet with members of the itinerant faculty and support staff, the PTA, district administration, the Scouts, and for parents/guardians to have BCI checks completed in advance of field trips and volunteer opportunities. An ice cream truck will be available for optional purchases. ]
-- Out of concern and respect for others, please stay home if you are not feeling well or exhibiting any symptoms of COVID. A complete list of symptoms and information from the RI Department of Health can be found below.
(Link: Symptoms to watch for and information from RIDOH)