Join us for a fun-filled, engaging week that features:
Mon., March 3 – “Mindfulness Monday” – Practice being mindful and thoughtful today by wear Feinstein t-shirts along with comfy clothes as it also coincides with our monthly “Make-A-Difference Monday”!
Tues., March 4 – “Teamwork Tuesday” – Wear your favorite team’s gear today! Practice teamwork!
Weds., March 5 – “Why Not Wednesday” – Practice the power of ‘yet’ and wear a word that demonstrates the essence of a growth mindset.
Thurs., March 6 – “Thankful for Me Thursday” – Wear something that makes you, YOU! We all have something that makes us unique!
Fri., March 7 – “Future Friday” – Where do you see yourself in the future!? Dress today for the future YOU want!
A complete flyer has been attached here with additional information.
[Featured photo: Our school social worker, Ms. Ashley Gargano, pauses for a photo with a student while enjoying previous SEL Week activities at Warwick Neck.]
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