Snow / DL Day

With wintry weather almost a definite possibility over the coming months, Warwick Neck Elementary (and other Warwick Schools) may be forced to close due to unsafe travel conditions.

In the event of a school closure, two things may happen that are announced by the district (via text message, email, and local television and radio outlets):

(1.) The district can announce a traditional "Snow Day" -- this is what our parents, guardians, and grandparents may recall from their childhoods with no classwork or homework being given, beyond what was provided the previous class day, when school is closed due to winter conditions. Anything declared a "Snow Day" must be made up at the end of the school year in June.

-- OR --

(2.) The district can announce a "Distance Learning (or DL) Day' -- this is a new approach to Snow Days that came out of the COVID pandemic. Teachers will offer live instruction for a designated number of minutes on-screen and also post grade-level assignments that students must complete through Google Classroom accounts online, per the RI Department of Education. Students and families will be provided with Google Classroom codes via email to gain access to the online instruction. You can learn more about DL day expectations here. Distance Learning Days count as a school day and therefore DO NOT need to be made up in June.

Please note: Completely cancelling school or moving to distance learning is usually the last resort for our district. Additionally, there are two (2) other scenarios that can occur that require parent and guardian attention should conditions be too hazardous to open or close as usual:

(A.) The district may announce a delayed opening of school. If there is a one (1) hour delay, Warwick Neck Elementary will begin classes at 10 AM, with students being supervised and breakfast being offered starting at 9:45 AM. If there is a two (2) hour delay, Warwick Neck Elementary will begin classes at 11 AM, with students being supervised and breakfast being offered starting at 10:45 AM. (This counts as a regular class day and therefore does not need to be made up in June.)

-- OR --

(B.) The district can announce an early release of school in the event of sudden or unsafe conditions that warrant the closure of Warwick Neck Elementary during the class day.

In case of unexpected early school releases, parents and guardians are asked to ensure that their contact information is current on ASPEN, as well as the contact information for Emergency Contacts. Please make your child is aware of your alternative plans for pick-up or dismissal in the event of a sudden school closure (All families were asked to complete and return an Emergency Closure Form at the beginning of the year with this information. All forms that were returned are on file with classroom teachers and the Main Office). Please do NOT instruct your child to have the office call you in the event of a sudden early release; we need to keep the school phone lines open for emergencies.

(Typically, lunches are served before early releases and this counts as a regular class day. Therefore, it does not need to be made up in June.)

Be notified in the event of a snow day, distance learning day, delayed opening, or sudden early release! If your telephone contact information is current on Aspen, you can expect a text message from the district, as well as Mr. Galligan, our Principal, with the announcement of delays or closures.

Click here to return to the Warwick Neck School home screen -- Or, stay 'in the know' with our complete calendar of events for the 2024-2025 year at Warwick Neck here.