Warwick Neck School will be holding an open house on Tuesday, September 17th at 6 PM. This program will be informational in nature, while future school events for families are geared more to fun, community, and celebration.
Students are welcome to join their parents or guardians and proudly show off their classrooms and school, but they must remain with their family at all times.
What can parents, guardians, and families expect for the evening?
-- A "flexible" open house format starting at 6 PM. Families will be provided building maps and are free to tour the school and visit their child(ren)'s classroom, while meeting teachers, staff, and administration. Faculty will be on hand helping to direct visitors and families. All families are kindly asked to depart by 7 PM.
-- Informational tables and booths will be on hand featuring the Warwick Neck PTA, Aramark Food Service, VOWS (Volunteers of Warwick Schools) offering free BCI checks, BSA: Scouts of America, Girl Scouts of America, Warwick Public Libraries, and West Bay Smiles (in-school dental services), and more!
-- A Kona Ice Truck will be available for purchasing treats throughout the evening.
-- Some classroom teachers have emailed families asking they stop by their particular room first due to a few presentations being made. This is not the case for all rooms as the evening's format remains flexible. Please check your email messages to ensure you are aware of any specific requests from your child's teacher relating to the night.
-- Unfortunately, ongoing construction on weekends and evenings has prevented us from having flower beds, mulching, weeding, and landscaping done as in previous years for our First Day of School and this special evening on Tuesday. Nonetheless, the interior of our building is bright, sparkling, and clean - while very ready to showcase as we undertake another great year. (We hope to have a planting and beautification project, with help from our 5th graders, sometime in mid-October following construction's end.)
-- The Open House evening on September 17th allows parents and guardians to meet and get acquainted with your school community, obtain BCI-checks (Please note: to chaperone or volunteer school field trips or events, all guardians must complete this requirement), see our updated facility, and learn more about our year ahead.
-- Please note: Due to confidentiality and appropriateness, teachers generally cannot engage too heavily in specifics relating to your individual child on Tuesday night. The Open House Night is not intended for updates regarding your child’s progress, discussions regarding confidential items relating to your child, or other sensitive needs best suited for a private Google Meet with the teacher or in a conference room here at school. Please schedule a meeting with the respective teacher via email or give us a call at (401) 734-3480 if you wish to discuss such issues. We’d be happy to assist you!
Click here to return to the Warwick Neck School home page -- Or, stay 'in the know' with our complete calendar of events for the 2024-2025 year at Warwick Neck here.