Join us Thursday, October 26th from 5:30 – 7 PM for Trunk-or-Treat -- one of our most popular events each year!
TRUNKS -- If you wished for your trunk to be included, you must have registered with the PTA. Please reach out to them here if you have any questions.
CANDY -- If your family volunteered to donate candy, thank you! Please deliver unopened bags of individually wrapped candy to our "candy monster" located at school by Thursday, October 26th.
VOLUNTEERS -- Are you open to helping out with set-up or breakdown for this event? If so, thank you for your support! Please notify the PTA of any interest by emailing them here!
Please note that, as a family event, all children must be accompanied by an adult and parents are responsible for the supervision of their children. Thank you for helping to make this both a fun and safe evening.
Stay 'in the know' with upcoming events and check out the complete events calendar for Warwick Neck's 2023-24 school year here.