Warwick Neck Elementary School's Annual Field Day will be held (weather permitting) during the academic day -- Friday, June 9th -- on the grounds of the school. Should rain threaten, a decision will be made as soon as possible to post-pone the event to the Rain Date of Monday, June 12th. The community will be notified via text message of any date changes.
We anticipate a fun, safe, and memorable day and extend sincere thanks to the PTA for their planning and work in creating a great field day for our students.
Please note that there will be a significant number of parent volunteers. All adults are required to be BCI checked and have documentation of this on file with the Main Office. Volunteers with questions may reach out to the PTA here.
Additionally, to coincide with Field Day, and thanks to funding from the Feinstein Foundation, ALL students will be offered a hamburger, cheeseburger, hot dog, or muffin fun lunch as choices free of charge.
Please note the choices listed on the published menu online for Warwick Schools on June 9th will not be available at Warwick Neck, only the special Field Day menu will be offered at our school. Food is being provided through Aramark, the hot lunch caterer for the district. As always, if students do not prefer the choices offered for the day, they are welcome to bring a bagged lunch from home.
As always, the 2022-2023 events calendar for Warwick Neck School may be accessed here.