Are you already registered for Kindergarten and ready to attend Warwick Neck!? View our "Entering Kindergarten" page here to learn more! We're so excited to meet you!!
Please join us on Wednesday, May 24, 2023 at 9:30 AM in the school library with your incoming Kindergarten student for a Kindergarten Orientation (also knowns as "K.I.D.S. Day") to meet our teachers, see the classrooms, and learn more about next year. This event is open to those already registered.
If you haven't registered yet, please know that registration is now underway for Warwick Neck Elementary School and all district schools. Please contact the district's Central Registration Office to secure your child's place for the fall at (401) 734-3040.
[*Note: Registrations do not roll over from the Warwick Early Learning Center (WELC) at John Brown Francis School. Parents/Guardians of children enrolled at WELC must register their child for Kindergarten at Warwick Neck or any Warwick Public Elementary School.]