A sincere thanks is extended to Mrs. Bobbie Jo Gemma, Ms. Jessica Beaupre, and Ms. Allison Palm -- PTA members and school moms -- for all they did to create and promote such a successful “Color-A-Thon” for Warwick Neck Elementary School on Saturday, May 6, 2023! An additional ‘thank you’ goes out to the school's faculty and staff who were in attendance for all of their support.
Students raised nearly $20,000, while the PTA raised an additional $10,000 through advertising sponsorships. The Warwick Neck community sincerely appreciates the generous support extended from local businesses and organizations.
In total, $30,000 was raised to benefit the children of Warwick Neck Elementary School – Incredible!!
The Warwick Beacon featured this year's “Color-A-Thon” on the front page of its May 11, 2023 issue. The article can be viewed here.
Photo courtesy of the Warwick Beacon.