The Young Authors Club is presenting a Poetry Slam on Wednesday May 11th at 6pm. This will be a chill night of original poetry from WVVMS students and staff (including our very own Mrs. Brenda Aspelund!) Admission is free!

Spring Picture Day
Tomorrow (Thursday) is spring picture day here at Vets. Unlike the procedure for fall pictures, the only students who will be having their picture taken will be those whose parents have prepaid - or students who have a Lifetouch envelope in their possession with the intention of submitting it to the photographer.
We will call students down to the small gym by alphabetical order, starting shortly after the start of the first period of the school day.

8th Grade Social: Fundraiser: April 27-May 18 - Raised money goes towards the 8th grade Social on June 9, 2022
(Student who raises the most funds will receive a Amazon gift certifcate)

Warwick Vets Fly Fishing Club will be meeting at the Carolina Trout Hatchery from 8am-12 noon Saturday, April 30th. You must have transportation to the hatchery. Check your email or see Mr. Clancy for directions. Dress for the weather-we will be outside!

A heartfelt word of thanks to our absolutely amazing ladies in the Main Office, Guidance Office and Nurse's Office as we celebrate Administrative Professionals Day today!
Enjoy your special day, Jean, Jo-Ann, Denise, Julie & Susan... WE APPRECIATE YOU!
~ The Vets Admin Team

Save the date! The week of May 23rd, Warwick Vets will be hosting a Buy One, Get One Book Fair! Students will attend with their English classes. ALL items are buy one, get one!

8th Grade Social: Fundraiser: April 27-May 18
-Raised money goes towards the 8th grade Social on June 9, 2022
(Student who raises the most funds will receive a Amazon gift certifcate)

Thursday, May 5th = Spring Picture Day!
Students received order forms in homeroom today.

The calendar for the 2022-23 School Year has been posted by the district today. Our website calendar has been updated to reflect this new information:

Warwick Vets Middle School's website is under transition. During this time, all important information and events will continue to be posted on our Facebook page while this transition is occuring. Thank you for your understanding and continued support!

Quarter 3 Grades
Just a reminder, the 3rd Quarter ended last week, on April 7th. We published Quarter 3 grades this past Thursday, the 14th, via the Aspen Family Portal. If you have any trouble viewing grades via Aspen, please contact the Vets Guidance Office upon our return to School.