Various spring sport equipment (baseball, track shoes, tennis racket, lacrosse stick) on green grass background with text: Spring Sports

Spring sports are now open for registration! 

Every student athlete has to register on the website (see link below). 

  • Click the registration icon 

  • Select create account or account log in 

  • Be sure that it says Toll Gate High School 

To participate in any sport you need to turn in 

  1. Health History form - Fill out once per school year 

  2. Risk Form - Fill out one per high school career (needs to be notarized)

  3. Physical - Physicals are good for 13 months

All paperwork should be turned in before tryouts. 

If you fail to turn in the required paperwork you will not be able to participate! 

Blank copies will be available at the health office if anyone needs them. We also have a notary on staff if anyone is having an issue getting their risk form notarized. Paperwork can be handed in during passing time or before school, or it can be left in the mailbox outside of the health office door. 

Questions about paperwork can be emailed to

Registration Site link: