Title I Family Engagement Newsletter
May 2022
"I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination." - Jimmy Dean
What’s happening in May?
Parent Leadership Meeting May 24th @ 6 PM in the Training Center conference room located on the ground floor of the Warwick School Department’s administration building. Please join the conversation and set the agenda for next year. Want more after-school programming opportunities, curriculum nights, leadership, and volunteering opportunities? This meeting is your chance to speak directly to administrators and your school's family liaison and present your ideas. RSVP here for a reminder to attend.
Mental Health Awareness, Support, & Resources You may or may not have heard that the Rhode Island American Academy of Pediatrics (RIAAP), the Rhode Island Council of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (RICCAP), Hasbro Children’s Hospital, and Bradley Hospital recently issued a declaration of emergency regarding the state of child and adolescent mental health in Rhode Island. (More information from the state health officials can be found below.) In response to this news, we are hosting an event for parents on May 25th at the Warwick Public Library from 6 until 7 PM. This event will provide parents with the opportunity to gather some resources, speak directly to mental health professionals, learn how to best support their child’s mental health and wellbeing, recognize warning signs, and more. Please let us know if you plan on attending by RSVP’ing here.
Kindergarten Orientations are coming up! Spread the word to friends and family with incoming Kinder Kids! Have they not yet registered their child? The sooner the better! Below are the dates and times of each Title I school’s KIDS day orientation.
Norwood - Wednesday, May 18th, 9:30 AM
Scott - Tuesday, May 24th, 9:30 AM
Oakland Beach - Tuesday, May 24th, 9:00 AM
Lippitt - Wednesday, May 25th, 9:30 AM
Hoxsie - Thursday, May 26th, 9:00 AM
We have an Instagram! The goal is to share all the great stuff happening day-to-day at our Title I elementary schools; events, student work, spotlights, and more! Follow us @WarwickFamilyEngagement
What’s happening in our schools?
IT’S ALIVE! During the life science courses in our schools, students have had the opportunity to care for and observe living organisms in their classrooms! Plants and creatures have been arriving at schools throughout the past month! 2nd graders are observing how mealworms grow and change over time. 3rd graders are welcoming crayfish to their classrooms at the end of April! Students will be observing crayfish structures and behaviors that help them survive. 4th graders are investigating the environmental factors isopods and mealworms prefer in their habitats. And, 5th graders are learning about how redworms interact with their habitat as part of a system. Be sure to ask your child questions about the living organisms in their classroom. Encourage them to discuss these fascinating creatures with you! “In 2nd grade at Norwood, we have been observing the life cycle of brassica plants. Over vacation, the first buds and flowers began to appear!” - Ms. Giammarco
“In fourth grade at Hoxsie, students have been watching over the past four to six weeks, mealworms turn into pupas and molt into beetles! We've also been experimenting with where isopods prefer to live, and realized they prefer moist areas. Our goldfish unit just started, and they will get to see how the life cycle works. Students are very fascinated that we have our very own class pets!” - Ms. Chouinard
What's Happening in The Community?
The Warwick Public Children's Library has all sorts of fun events happening including the upcoming Comic Book Day! Celebrate all things super and colorful during Comic Book Day. Please REGISTER to join the fun on May 7th. Drop-in between 10 and 2 pm. Costumes are encouraged!
Health & Wellness News
RI Pediatricians and Psychiatrists Declare “State of Emergency” in Child & Adolescent Mental Health
“The American Academy of Pediatrics, Rhode Island Chapter (RIAAP) the Rhode Island Council of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (RICCAP), Hasbro Children’s Hospital, and Bradley Hospital on Tuesday issued a declaration of emergency regarding the state of child and adolescent mental health in Rhode Island. This declaration is unprecedented.”
“‘Amidst the stress and disruptions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, we are experiencing an unprecedented emergency in child and adolescent mental health here in Rhode Island,” said Henry Sachs, President of Bradley Hospital. “Prior to the pandemic, we were already experiencing troubling trends including increased youth suicides. The pandemic has pushed this situation into a full-blown emergency, with dramatic increases in emergency room visits for all child mental health crises. We are issuing this emergency declaration as a call to action to invest in our state’s child and adolescent mental health care system, and to implement innovative new strategies to address this crisis.’”
To read more from this article, click here.
Please join the conversation regarding mental health support for our children taking place on Wednesday, May 25th from 6 until 7 PM at the Warwick Public Library, RSVP here.
Please feel free to text Mrs. Kadek anytime at 401-291-8288. You may also follow us on Facebook or Instagram where we stay up-to-date, share community information & resources, and post important PTO/PTA messages, school news, and student spotlights. For resources and academic information, check out our website.
To view the PDF version of this newsletter, click here.