Panorama Student Success is a dynamic platform that gives educators immediate access to the data that is most important for them to support students. Panorama syncs with other data systems to send nightly updates of grades, attendance, assessments, SEL, and behavior data. With this data, the platform calculates “On Track” and “At Risk” indicators for each student automatically so that you can support students with relevant and timely information. Schools and districts can view dashboards to see school-wide trends across different subject areas or demographic groups to make sure that students are having an equitable experience at school.
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In the Spring of 2021 RI General Assembly passed the Nathan Bruno Jason Flatt Act. The requirements of the Act include:
Training for all teachers, students, and school personell on suicide awareness and prevention.
Each school district create and adopt a student suicide prevention policy that includes prevention, intervention, and postvention.
RI Department of Education has mandated that each school district select an evidence-based suicide prevention curriculum for middle and high school level. This year, in grade 6-12 during your student’s health class, teachers will be using a program called SOS Signs of Suicide.
SOS has been used by thousands of schools for over 20 years. Studies have shown that it effectively teaches students about depression and suicide while reducing the number students’ self-reported suicide attempts.
Through the program, students will learn:
That depression is treatable, so they are encouraged to seek help
How to identify depression and potential suicide risk in themselves or a friend
To ACT (Acknowledge, Care, and Tell a trusted adult) if concerned about themselves or a friend
Who they can turn to at school for help, if they need it
We encourage you to visit their website Signs of Suicide for Parents for information on warning signs for youth suicide, useful resources, and some of the key messages students will learn.
If you do not want your child(ren) to participate, please visit the Aspen family portal and check no. If you do not check no, your child will be included in the lesson(s) and questionnaire.
SEL Approach
SEL is most effective when we consider a layered approach to teaching.
In the classroom, educators consider the SEL competencies (self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, responisble decision-making and relationship skills) to be integrated into the academic content and instructional practices. Educators that embrace student centered classrooms will intentionally plan for learning opportunities where students can practice and master these competencies.
Screening practices allow for teacher and student to reflect on students' skills and allow to break down areas of need by compentencies.
This information can lead to more targeted or explicit lessons within the classroom or in small group intervention.